Answer Health Practice Portal - About

The Answer Health Practice Portal is a repository for network information including:

  • Reports
  • HealthFocus support
  • Members-only events
  • Updated practice & payer resources
  • AH presentation recordings & materials

As we continue to update our Practice Portal with valuable content, we encourage you to explore our latest resources:

Request and view equipment and furniture sales, respond to curated discussion forums, and see job openings within the network.

Health Plans
View updated payer guidelines/manuals and log into payer portals directly from our site.

Interactive Home Page
Access recent communications or meeting recordings and add upcoming events to your calendar. You can also request a Practice Spotlight to get featured on our digital platforms.


User Login/Authentication

The Practice Portal allows the use of Microsoft and Google to verify your identity, maximize security, and decrease your number of login credentials. If you use an email provider other than Microsoft or Google, you will be emailed a one-time passcode when requesting access to the site.


Google OAuth2 

When you sign in, Google will share your name, email and profile picture with Answer Health. This data will not be shared with any third parties.

Our app doesn't request restricted scopes, but if it did, the use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

New Users

If you have not yet set up an account with the Practice Portal, please request access as soon as possible and allow up to one (1) business day for Answer Health to complete setup.



If you experience issues logging into your account, please contact or see below for common issues and troubleshooting tips:

  • Unable to log in to Answer Health Practice Portal and can’t log into business email account:
    • Try using the forgot/reset password link on your mail provider login screen
  • Unable to log in to Answer Health Practice Portal but can log into business email account:
    • If you recently reset your password, try again in 5 minutes
  • Not receiving One-Time Passcode:
    • Check Spam/Junk folder